How to install Pico CMS on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS


Michael Agbenyegah April 3, 2020

What is pico?

Pico is a flat file CMS (Content Management System). A flat-file CMS requires no database. Instead, it queries its data from a set of text files, super easy to deploy and lightweight in terms of size.

Why flat-file CMS?

I personally have developed a liking for flat-file content management systems mainly due to their simplicity, speed and easy maintenance. Feature rich CMS like drupal and wordpress are great but offer so much which may not be needed for a simple website, not to talk of their complex configurations to setup locally and deploy live.

There are lots of options out there with Pico being my personal favorite due to its light weight nature and simplicity.

Lets get started

I’m assuming you already have a web server installed. We will be using a pre-bundled release. Download the latest release here.

Extract the contents to your project folder within the httpdocs directory of your server. Example /var/www/html/pico.

Navigate to the url of the project in your browser; example localhost/pico. Pico’s sample contents will explain how to create your own contents.

Pico CMS